
What is SRC-20?

This is a new standard on BTC from @Stampchain developed on the basis of BRC-20, the essence of which can be compared to the usual ERC 1155 on ETH

But what is the difference? Unlike BRC-20 tokens, SRC-20 transactions cannot be removed from Bitcoin Now that's secure SRC-20 it's truly decentralised, this is the key

You can find useful information here:⤵️

About SRC-20

A Bitcoin Stamp is a Counterparty transaction which contains a valid STAMP:base64 string in the description key. STAMPS can be decoded directly from the original Bitcoin transaction. In order for speed of processing and to eliminate needs for indexing, we are utilizing Counterparty API to decode the original Bitcoin transactions. Once the decoding is complete, we upload the images to for consumption via web applications as a convenience. It is intended that anyone may decode these transactions and interpret the underlying image data for rendering on any application. You can find more information on STAMPS here:

Stamps Compatible Wallets?

Freewallet is the wallet we most recommend right now. It currently allows you to transfer your Stamps and create Dispensers as well as importing existing wallets or creating multiple wallets and sending Bitcoin to other addresses.

Hiro Wallet is another wallet we recommend as it allows for many of the same functions however currently there is no transfer function or activation of dispensers yet with this wallet. These updates will be coming soon though.

Sparrow Wallet is another wallet that you may use but please research and learn how. I have personally never used it so if you want to learn how; either watch videos or learn from someone who knows how to use this wallet.

Electrum is another wallet that you may use but please research and learn how. I have personally never used it so if you want to learn how; either watch videos or learn from someone who knows how to use this wallet.

DO NOT USE any wallets that are designated for Ordinals/BRC20s such as Xverse, Unisat, etc. They may have Stamps integration in the future but at this time do not support it.

How to Use and Open a Dispenser?

BUYING AND SELLING NFTs Dispensers will allow you to buy and sell NFTs on Stamps Video Guide: Buying from a Dispenser on XChain Video Guide: Selling on XChain Using Dispensers (from Freewallet)

Also If you are wondering how to transfer a Hiro address to FreeWallet please read the article below.


Last updated